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Journalism at the Height of Media Disinformation

Good online users allow information to be based on facts, regardless of what others say and do online. They look for accurate and valuable data. More importantly, responsible media users employ critical and analytical thinking abilities when consuming media material. Journalism appears to be interwoven with media information in this new provision of data. Media and information are becoming more abundant every day, to the point where they may be obtained anywhere, at any time, especially in this growing era of data and information. When it comes to disseminating information to the general public via online platforms, journalism and media play a crucial role. As a result, social media is becoming an imperative tool for journalists to identify news content and deliver stories to their audiences. It enables journalists to publish, collect, and share information over the internet. 

Citizens can now obtain unfiltered information whenever and wherever they choose online. This allows more users to be proactive and responsive, hence allowing their stories, statements, and comments to be published to the general audience. Audiences have gained the authority to choose the information they want to consume. Whether this information is a hoax or a fact, they feed in what suits their tastes best. This is why a lot of people are becoming slaves to false information online. Everyone participates in this platform. Hence, the only issue here is that people tend to believe what they consider to be correct but never the actual truth. In a broader sense, when individuals share something online, they believe they know the entire story behind a particular post. However, some citizens share photos and news information and countercheck them along with other trusted journalists to avoid information exploitation. 

Journalists use online channels to provide people with easier access to information. To inform people about the standpoints of a particular issue and other pertinent information towards the current situation continues to become the main goal of journalism in the online platform. Jessica Soho’s “Presidential Candidates Interview” exemplified the importance of the involvement of actual journalists in the online age. It provided a way for individuals to seek out other ideas and perspectives to help them decide how and who to vote for in the upcoming election. Journalism has had its fair share of ups and downs, but because of the enkindling society that we find ourselves in, citizen journalism has hatched. This means everyone becomes a reporter, researcher, journalist, and broadcaster all at the same time—to put in their two cents’ worth into the matter. Furthermore, the audiences also got the opportunity to compare the front-running aspirants during the Presidential Interview conducted by Philippine Journalist  Jessica Soho thus, allowing them to acquire a better understanding of the applicants’ personality, vision, and character. This gives the public a chance to look beyond the four corners of the room and closed walls. Through this, journalism once again proves that it is essential at the height of media disinformation.

“For better or worse, social media has forced its way into journalism and has become a news source not only for the general public but for journalists as well.  Journalism, and content in general, is now driven more than ever by an increasing need for views and clicks.”  – Helen Kantilaftis, 2014

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