Delving into the Subconscious Spectrum of the Rainbow


Red… Orange… Yellow… Green… Blue… Violet… Pride Month is...

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Allyship in a Layered Homophobic Environment


“I support them.” What does it take to be worthy of being called an ally? Right. The month of...

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Espejo will Win but That’s Not Enough


As the third day of the ECA General Elections wrapped, the BEACON released an exit poll to assess...

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There Will Be No Funeral for This Consejo

Opinion • One Comment

All politicians want to leave a legacy. Sometimes, they are seen as great statesmen who stand up...

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Marcos: Promises are Meant to be Broken


Someone promised I can buy a kilo of rice for 20 pesos. What happened? It’s easy to characterize...

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The Huge Leap Effect


        Inconsiderate is the fitting term to describe the...

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Blindly leading the blind


Here’s the thing with the recent elections: if the Liberal Arts Academic Organization (LAAO)...

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The ten votes: AELECOM’s failure


Frankly, two facts dictated the August 25 Special Elections. The first is that more than half of...

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When they said change is coming, did they mean one week late?

News, Opinion

It is a painful irony that we only try to stop criminals when they’ve already managed to murder...

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The cost friendships bear for politics


One cannot deny that the campaign season for the 2022 National and Local Elections has commenced...

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Big Bad Monster


Monsters come in all shapes and sizes, and as we grow up, each one of us comes to have a different...

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Si Optimum Pride Oh


Panlibangan man o hindi, malawak ang naging impluwensiya ng internet memes sa ating sariling...

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Larong Jackstone


Tila isang laro ng jackstone ang kalagayan ng Pilipinas sa kalagitnaan ng isang pandemya. Sa...

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An Alternate Universe of “What Ifs”


In the many worlds of what-ifs, every decision I take in this world creates a new universe: one for...

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The New Truth


In an era where misinformation and conspiracy theories seem to dominate, a carefully crafted...

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The Unpopular Dreamer


The Pussycat Dolls once sang, “When I grow up I wanna be famous, I wanna be a star, I wanna be in...

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Are we face-to-face class ready?


After almost two years, students are finally returning on track as different universities eye the...

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I is for Independent…?


Students now are more exhausted than ever. Elsewhere, there has been an increasing number of calls...

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How Hard is CPALE


The fact that graduating from the BS Accountancy course is a battle enough to tear accounting...

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If AdZU was Tita Connie, then it surely has its Teddie


Who isn’t familiar with 4 Sisters and a Wedding? It portrayed the typical Filipino family with...

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All Crammed Up


Our memories hate it when we cram large pieces of information in a short period of time and this...

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uNprOFEsSioNaLisM: the blue bird on trial


Heated debates on being vocal versus being silent on certain issues is a common sight—especially...

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Gone are the Pabibo people


Anonymous John Doe resigned from his post in El Consejo Atenista (ECA)—and no one in the student...

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Cannot Be Reached… Kinda


The headline isn’t probably a newsflash to many. Over the years, ECA has always been perceived to...

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Transparency: If ECA were a car


If El Consejo Atenista were a car, surely the student body would hope its windows were transparent...

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“Ano bang ambag mo?”


As citizens, nothing beats the feeling of being able to vote for someone who’s worthy of your...

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Data Cost of Data Surveys


Let’s face it—students like us won’t fill out surveys unless: (1) it is required, (2) someone...

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Could it get any worse?


It isn’t much of a shock when we say that the Philippines has a government indifferent to its...

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If Only Duterte’s Administration Heeds on Warnings


Perhaps it’s the fast, as they call it, internet capacity of the Philippines which made...

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Police Brutality: Wake Up and Smell the Coffee


“If you had the power to do anything you want, what would you do?” I hear this question so...

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Cry but in PPE


On Wednesday last week, pictures of a mother wrapped in air-resistant PPE, head covered all over,...

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PH in Chaos—Can VP Leni Bring Back A Unified Country?


Cheers to five months’ worth of quarantine!  There is a twisted belief of the government...

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Selective Empathy


We had a lot of “George Floyd” in our soil, yet only a few bothered to care. The...

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