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Emboldened by Art

Vibrant colors, perfectly stroked figures, and underlying message behind; is this how art is commonly known? An unspoken stereotype painted on a canvas. An extraordinary masterpiece, but in a painting full of colors. For the eye of its beholder, it can be, but for Ateneo de Zamboanga University, taking art to a different level was emboldened. 

The Jesuit university in Western Mindanao is known for its intense support for the arts. The Ateneo Center for Culture and the Arts is the office responsible for all staggering masterpieces in all art forms in the university. From a theatrical perspective led by Teatro Ateneo, an organization aiming towards expression of art and growth whilst sharing stories behind societal issues, to Ateneo de Zamboanga University Glee Club and their goal to bring forth gaiety despite the struggle of wrestling through every day’s course. This certifies that art is not only boxed within the bounds of canvas, oils, and paints. Art is a story of expression beyond several levels.

In that regard, the recently concluded Ateneo de Zamboanga University Glee Club Concert last July 28 and 29, 2022, painted a picturesque performance as they celebrate art with music lulling its audience with spectacular voice harmonization and gimmicks on stage, keeping everyone entertained. With the words of Mr. Rogin Eribal, Director of Ateneo Center for Culture and the Arts, ‘“Music keeps us at peace’. It’s a vessel of unexpected tranquility enveloping its audience, readers, viewers, and listeners. Thus, the Jesuit university ensured that in celebrating art, carrying on through life’s ripples can be pronounced with the beauty of voices.

With their theme leaning towards padayon in Bisaya language which means persistence and moving forward in the midst of overwhelming situations. As stated by Choir Master, Carl Anthony Camacho, the prime purpose of the concert was more than just showcasing the performance of the organization, but rather, also bringing light into the community through music. And that means to remind everyone to continue, to persevere, and have faith.

Furthermore, taking this as an advantage to further encourage more students to share the same blazing passion in music, by also inspiring others to find meaning through music. Not only that, but this celebration of art through music in the university also highlights the embodiment of resilience and determination in the midst of uncertainties. This celebration of art does not only focus on the performances itself, but the emotions, engaged by both the performers and the audience. 

“Padayon concert wants to rekindle the seemingly diminishing flames of hope in the hearts of the people,” says Camacho.

The heartfelt embodiment of how art can lull hearts and move people into different dimensions despite its intangibility was shown and manifested. In that regard, this tells us how the Ateneo de Zamboanga University, particularly Ateneo Center for Culture and the Arts seek to adhere to the current needs of the community — a celebration of hope in the midst of uncertainties.

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