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AdZU hails newly licensed Electronic Engineers

ADZU ECE BOARD PASSERS ON THE GO. (From left to right) Engr. Aziz Essenin Jinon Barraquias, ECE, ECT, Engr. Rex Christian Royo Endozo, ECE, ECT, Engr. Andreya Quilon Jannatul, ECE, ECT, Engr. John Ray Fernando Navarro, ECE, ECT, Engr. Marc Vince Tan Belda Casimiro, ECE, ECT. Photo by SITAO. 

The Ateneo de Zamboanga University (AdZU) congratulates its newly licensed electronic engineers for passing the recently concluded 2022 Electronics Engineers Licensure Examinations.

The examinees obtained an overall national passing rate of 29.68% (785 out of 2664), and the AdZU passing rate of 83.33% (5 out of 6). The newly licensed electronic engineers are as follows:

  • Engr. Aziz Essenin Jinon Barraquias, ECE, ECT
  • Engr. Marc Vince Tan Belda Casimiro, ECE, ECT
  • Engr. Rex Christian Royo Endozo, ECE, ECT
  • Engr. Andreya Quilon Jannatul, ECE, ECT
  • Engr. John Ray Fernando Navarro, ECE, ECT

The first exam under the revised Engineering curriculum of 2018 is the October 2022 Licensure exam. The AdZU team also took the Electronics Technician Exam (ECT) with a passing rate of 100%.

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