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Carreon named Aries Rufo Journalism Fellow

Veteran local journalist Maria Frencie Carreon was among the 15 Filipino community journalists qualified for the Aries Rufo Journalism Fellowship program awarded by Rappler in partnership with the Journalism for Nation Building Foundation. Rappler has also awarded the #FactsMatter Fellowship to five Southeast Asian journalists.

These programs are offered as part of Rappler’s effort to foster collaboration among journalists to combat disinformation especially in the context of the pandemic and the upcoming 2022 national election. The programs comprise of series of training sessions that will equip the recipients with ‘skills and knowledge to understand what disinformation is, how it works, and how journalists can effectively help address this problem.’

Carreon is a faculty member of the School of Liberal Arts under the Communication Department. She is also a former Editor-in-Chief of The Beacon Publications, the official student publication of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University College Unit.

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