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SLA Kicks off 70th Anniversary Celebration

The School of Liberal Arts officially launched the year-long celebration of its 70th anniversary last August 6, 2021, via Zoom and Facebook Live with the theme: “remembering the past, responding to the present, and readying for the future.”

SLA Dean Dr. Robin De Los Reyes expressed his gratitude toward the faculty and staff, active students, and AdZU offices particularly the University Communications Office (UCO) and Alumni Relations Office (ARO) in his opening remarks. 

“I know we have just started, and we have more activities to do for the celebration, but I’m certain we will carry them out successfully because of [their] undying support,” the dean said.

Also in attendance was University President Fr. Karel San Juan who acknowledged the department’s achievements over the decades from both the faculty and students.

SLA was also praised for its impact and influence in all aspects of life and was branded “the soul of the university” by the University President.

The most awaited SLA @70 Grand Day event will be held on September 7, 2022, as announced on SLA’s Facebook page.

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