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ECA – OVP & BOCG: To establish Committees on Public Health and Multisectoral Representation

The El Consejo Atenista – Office of the Vice-President and Board of College Governors (ECA – OVP & BOCG) released Resolution No. 039-2223 announcing the creation of a Committee on Public Health and Committee on Multisectoral Representation on Saturday, August 27, 2022 on their official Facebook page. 

This resolution is in accordance with Article V Section 17 of the 2022 ECA Constitution, which states that “The Board of College Governors shall when deemed necessary, create other committees through a resolution with the majority vote of all members of the Board of College Governors.” 

In line with that, the ECA – OVP & BOCG took extra precautionary measures by establishing the Committee on Public Health due to the rising cases of COVID-19 in Zamboanga City, and primarily to prevent such from spreading inside the University premises. 

 Moreover, the Public Health Committee is also mandated to address other public health concerns affecting the student body in addition to preventing the spread of COVID-19 cases.

On the other hand, to show their commitment to providing the student body with the proper avenues for proper representation of the different sectors, the ECA – OVP & BOCG established the Committee on Multisectoral Representation. 

This committee will be composed of students representing each sector in the student body. The following sectors are Student Athletes, Students with Disabilities, Student Scholars, Working Students, Student Dormers, and Students from different ethnic and cultural backgrounds. The BOCG may appoint a representative to sectors that were not mentioned. 

The Board of College Governors en banc approves this resolution and shall proceed in structuring the committees within the BOCG. 

ECA – Office of the Vice President and the BOCG –  RESOLUTION NO. 039-2223


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