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AdZU flexes college orgs the RIGHT way

The recruitment wars have begun as the college academic and student organizations of the Ateneo de Zamboanga University (AdZU) joined forces for a week-long enlistment from August 22 to 26, the first since the return of limited face-to-face classes in the university.

The College Recruitment Week was spearheaded by the Council of Organizations of the Ateneo – Zamboanga (COA-Z) with the theme “Tala”, which is a Filipino term referring to the stars. Tala signifies supreme guidance and inspiration as the students shine brighter to reach for the stars in everything they do. Students have flocked to the College Garden throughout the week to have a glimpse on the offerings of each student organization. This was the chance for the student body to showcase their talents and skills, and meet opportunities along the way in recruiting new members to the respective accredited organizations.

After a four-day long in-person registration at the College Garden, a culminating program commenced last August 26 at the Multi-Purpose Covered Courts (MPCC-1). The various student organizations assembled for the final day of the recruitment wars. As of writing, the winners of the different competitions are still yet to be determined by COA-Z. Stay tuned for more information.

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